
Are YOU an FE College or Training Provider?

  • Would YOU like to gain specialist knowledge, experience and skills from industry experts to make your courses cutting-edge?
  • Would YOU like your learners to have a seamless transition from education to the world of work?

Here at Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU), as a long-standing and well-respected educational provider, we understand that YOU want to provide excellent high quality training and education that is relevant to your students and will equip them to excel in the world of work.

We have trained Industry Experts, via a BGU four-day teaching and training course, who are able to deliver industry-specific relevant training courses, or contribute to your existing training-provision, to make your courses more relevant to the workforce.

When students have skills that are relevant to the workforce, this immediately makes them more employable, and valuable as employees. This further increases the perceived value of your courses by students and employers if you can demonstrate that YOUR courses are relevant to the workforce. The final positive knock-on effect of this, is that an appropriately skilled workforce will enable businesses in Greater Lincolnshire to develop and thrive, thus boosting the economy.

If you would like a Specialist Industry Educator to deliver a Masterclass to your tutors or students, or if you think your students or staff would benefit from an Industry Site visit, where they can physically see the workings of the actual industry, then please get in touch.

We also have highly experienced Business Skills Advisors working with businesses, conducting detailed Training Needs Analyses, in order to identify gaps in training provision. Where these gaps exist, BGU will work with Training Providers such as yourselves, to find courses suitable for the business, or where required, to create courses that meet the training needs of local businesses.

Learn more about both of our programmes: Click here for an Information Sheet
