How can enhancing my Digital Fluencies help me succeed?

Digital fluencies support you to develop skills in the following areas: ICT proficiency, digital criticality, digital creativity, digital communication, digital learning, and digital identity.

What opportunities are there to improve my digital fluencies?

  1. Attend Live and Learn with CELT
  2. Attend one-to-one support with Digital Learning Developers.
  3. Participate in skills workshops as part of your course.
  4. Making use of Digital Learning FAQs and How to be A Successful Learner Blackboard areas.
  5. Attending Digital Learning sessions and/or events for example, Destination: Dissertation.
  6. Engage with the Digital Change Agents (DCA) programme.
  7. Engage with the Digital Capabilities Discovery tool.
Digital Fluency

Explore other Graduate Attributes

Global Citizenship

Global Citizenship

Your place in the world.

Information Literacy

Information Literacy

Find and evaluate information effectively



Get the skills to be where you want to be.